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Risultati della ricerca

  • 1. Trials Clinici 2008-2018 (100%)

    27-mag-2022 13.18.01

    Trials Clinici 2008-2018 articolo, notizia, unipa Trials Clinici Bi.N.D. Codice EudraCT Data ... nei trials sui farmaci nell'anno Entrate totali derivanti dall'attività del trial Fase 1 Fase 2 Fase 3 ... , verbale n.2 profit 1 0 No No 20 25000 Trials Clinici A.O.U.P. "Paolo Giaccone" ANNO 2018 ... e anemia sideropenica in Italia". (Studio CARMES-2) 23/06/2014 Promotore: Dipartimento Scienze ... , Dipartimento di Neuroscienze "Rita Levi Montalcini" Università degli Studi di Torino Prof

  • 2. Trial clinici (95%)

    27-lug-2023 10.48.43

    Trial - Anno 2022 articolo, notizia, unipa, TRIAL 2022, dipartimento dichirons, terza missione, N ... , Policlinico, Paolo Giaccone, Vari componenti del Dipartimento risultano responsabili di trial ... lactate-dehydrogenase (LDH) in the early detection of anastomotic leakage. Codice Clinical Trials: NCT04846283 Clinical Trials page: US First Posted: April 15, 2021 Centro coordinatore ... . In particular, multicenter clinical trials have shown that the laparoscopic approach to colorectal cancer

  • 3. Trial clinici (95%)

    25-lug-2023 12.34.14

    componenti del Dipartimento risultano responsabili di trial clinici (>30) con autorizzazione da ECA ... detection of anastomotic leakage. Codice Clinical Trials: NCT04846283 Clinical Trials page: US ... of therapeutic options based on laparoscopic surgery. In particular, multicenter clinical trials ... evaluated:- Fascia of Fredet; vascular structures; lymph nodes. Codice Clinical Trials: NCT04834011 Clinical Trials page: US First Posted: April 6, 2021 Centro coordinatore: A.U.O

  • 4. Trials Clinici 2022 (92%)

    14-giu-2023 9.32.54

    Trials Clinici 2022 articolo, notizia, unipa Titolo Codice studio Delibera Data approvazione comitato etico Sponsor Responsabile dello Studio Unità Operativa Coinvolgimento Corelab Durata studio Implementazione di un modello di coltura 3D di glioma derivato dal paziente per lo sviluppo ... Dipartimento Bi.N.D. No 30 mesi 01/06/2022 - 01/01/2025 Il paziente Long-Covid: marcatori ... e dell’Esercizio Fisico No 6 mesi 01/05/2022 - 01/11/2022 Trials Clinici A.O.U.P. "Paolo Giaccone"

  • 5. Trials Clinici (91%)

    27-mag-2022 13.40.01

    Trials Clinici A.O.U.P. "Paolo Giaccone" - Bi.N.D. - ANNO 2021 articolo, notizia, unipa TITOLO CODICE STUDIO DELIBERA DATA APPROVAZIONE COMITATO ETICO SPONSOR RESPONSABILE STUDIO UNITA' OPERATIVA COINVOLGIMENTO CORELAB DURATA STUDIO Progetto - REDI- Retinopatia diabetica incipienet ... Psichiatria Studio osservazionale PROFIT 14 mesi Archivio anni precedenti (2008-2018) DARIO LA SALA Trials ... 2018 -002911-80 Delibera N° del Sponsor: Dipartimento Biomedico di Medicina Interna e Specialistica

  • 6. DICHIRONS TM procedura registrazione studio clinico su CLINICAL TRIALS v 02_2021 (82%)

    21-giu-2022 19.12.32

    con quello dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo. Il Dipartimento Dichirons ha attivato un account generale ... statunitense nel documento 42 CFR Part 11 Clinical Trials Registration and Results Information Submission ... 42 CFR 11.22(b) for Clinical Trials Initiated on or After January 18, 2017 ”. Fase 1 ... informazioni da predisporre, scaricabile dal sito del Dipartimento (Terza Missione/Trial clinici o U.O ... di registrazione dello studio clinico su, tramite l’account del Dipartimento

  • 7. Balistreri review 2018 Mediators (65%)

    21-mar-2018 14.14.20

    -4 modulators to facili- human trials. This leads to affirm that the encouraging data tate ... also clinical trials. of melatonin and the signs of ageing (amply quoted in [38]). In addition ... 6 Mediators of Inflammation and clinical trials are necessary for its future clinical applica ... . It consists trials with the focus on individual response to therapies, such in connecting ... (GM) [67, 68]. number of large, randomized controlled trials have demon- The term microbiome indicates

  • 8. Riesame Ricerca e TM 2021 approvato CdD 13_06_2022 appendice DICHIRONS (57%)

    22-set-2022 8.45.03

    1 Rapporto di Riesame Annuale Attività di Ricerca e Terza Missione Dipartimento: Dipartimento: Discipline Chirurgiche, Oncologiche e Stomatologiche (Di.Chir.On.S.) 1 AZIONI ... n.2: Miglioramento visibilità delle attività di ricerca del Dipartimento (riproposto) Azioni ... (riproposto) Obiettivo del Piano Strategico di Dipartimento correlato: Piano Strategico del D 2019 ... ./Accordo-triennale-di-scambio-dottorandi- e-ricercatori-tra-il-Dipartimento-Dichirons-e-il-Department

  • 9. Rapporto di Riesame 2022 Ric e TM DICHIRONS 03_07_2023 appr CdD 05 prot 100838_2023-1 (57%)

    27-set-2023 16.37.36

    [Copia conforme] UNPA-CLE - Prot. 100838-03/07/2023 DIPARTIMENTO DI DISCIPLINE CHIRURGICHE ... Attività di Ricerca e Terza Missione Anno 2022 Dipartimento: DIPARTIMENTO DI DISCIPLINE CHIRURGICHE ... : DIPARTIMENTO DI DISCIPLINE CHIRURGICHE, ONCOLOGICHE E STOMATOLOGICHE ... . Nell’ambito del Dipartimento è stato, inoltre applicato attività di competenza della SUA-Rd ... afferenti al Dipartimento. e) insieme con AQ di D e Referenti di SSD, strategie per il coinvolgimento

  • 10. Attività formative (56%)

    11-lug-2023 15.25.59

    (from the synthesis laboratory to clinical trials). The continuous discovery of new biological targets ... development phases of a bioactive molecule (phase 1-4 trials), up to its approval and placing ... of the mechanisms of action of molecules to be adopted in clinical trials 5 The seminar is divided into two parts ... drug trials and subsequent post-marketing monitoring with references on pharmacovigilance ... on the development phases of bioactive molecules (from the synthesis laboratory to clinical trials

  • 11. Educational activities (56%)

    11-lug-2023 15.24.35

    of bioactive molecules (from the synthesis laboratory to clinical trials). The continuous discovery ... toxic effects) and clinical development phases of a bioactive molecule (phase 1-4 trials), up to its ... characterization of the mechanisms of action of molecules to be adopted in clinical trials 5 The seminar ... of the three phases of clinical drug trials and subsequent post-marketing monitoring with references ... molecules (from the synthesis laboratory to clinical trials). The continuous discovery of new biological

  • 12. CV-PASSIGLIA PhD-english (56%)

    20-nov-2017 13.41.34

    Clinical Trials Unit, Oncology Department Title of qualification Investigational ... TRIALS - Certificate in Good Clinical Practice - Participation as sub-investigator in several phase II-III trials - Experience in First in Human Trials RESEARCH EXPERIENCES: - 2013 ... , at the Phase I-Early Clinical Trials Unit, Oncology Department, Antwerp University Hospital. Under ... experience in phase I - first in human clinical trials and obtaining the certification of Fellowship

  • 13. Trials Clinici approvati dal CTC(Clinical Trial Center) - A.O.U.P. Paolo Giaccone (55%)

    27-mag-2022 13.00.51

    Trials Clinici approvati dal CTC(Clinical Trial Center) - A.O.U.P. Paolo Giaccone articolo, notizia, unipa ANNO 2021 NUMERO STUDI PROTOCOLLO STUDIO TITOLO CODICE EUDRACT STUDIO DELIBERA DATA APPROVAZIONE COMITATO ETICO SPONSOR CRO RESPONSABILE STUDIO UNITA' OPERATIVA COINVOLGIMENTO CORELAB DURATA STUDIO 60 M20-178 Studio Clinico randomizzato, in aperto di Fase 3 per valutare l'efficacia ... Eudract 2018 -002911-80 Delibera N° del Sponsor: Dipartimento Biomedico di Medicina Interna

  • 14. Legenda dataset (54%)

    9-lug-2015 10.50.35

    LEGENDA DATASET Tab. 1 Description of trials included in the meta-analysis Meta- Author Publisher Treatment* # of # of trials # of trial analysis Ctr exp trials eliminated included 1 Myers RP ... *IFN1: IFN tiw; IFN2: IFN tiw+RBV; IFN3: PegIFN+RBV; IFN4: PegIFN+RBV+PI Tab. 2 Trials eliminated ... ), Alberti 1993 (2), Andreone 1999, Andreone 1999, e trials (it was not Brouwer 1998, Chemello 1995 ... ) Shiffman 2000, Sievert 2003, Sostegni 1998, Toccaceli 1997, Tripi 2000 (29 RCTs) Duplicated trials

  • 15. Progetto childrens_protection_in_research_activities_DISPPEFF (52%)

    16-mag-2022 12.00.19

    i) clinical trials and ii) non-clinical trials, or indirectly engage them by iii) processing their personal data. i) For clinical trials involving children, research protocols shall be submitted ... that are research subjects because of their specific condition of patients. ii) For non-clinical trials ... , partners involved in the trials and funding bodies, tasks and activities, benefits, possible risks

  • 16. chapter balistreri (49%)

    17-lug-2019 12.27.32

    trials have helped to train clinicians for the delivery of cells into the organs and lay ... is currently under assessment in clinical trials (Lindroos et al., 2011). The number of trials ... in clinical trials (Stoltz et al., 2015). In addition, there are other limitations in the large-scale ... ). Although several clinical trials employing MSCs alone, in combination with growth factors, seeded ... ). Oncogenic mutation in iPSCs have been described hampering clinical trials (Balistreri, 2018

  • 17. book of abstracts (49%)

    19-mag-2017 12.51.55

    , magnifico rettore dell’Università di Palermo Alessandro Bellavista, Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze ... project to register trials from the Spanish, Portuguese and Roman Inquisitions. As of Feb- ruary 2017 it contains information on more than 92.000 trials. Approxi- mately 100 new Spanish trials ... the registration to a wider range of data, and included trials found as complete trial manuscripts and ... in the Archivo Histórico Nacional in Ma- drid. In 2015 data on more than 31.000 trials in the Portuguese

  • 18. Intervista CRISPR Nature.2016.20988 (47%)

    7-dic-2017 12.22.17

    led one of the earlier trials. Medical Center in New York City. Antonio “I think this is going ... scalable”, Earlier clinical trials using cells edited with March 2017, a group at Peking University he ... to start three clinical trials efficacy, it will be hard to justify moving for- treating disease ... to the which is simpler and more efficient than renal-cell cancers. Those trials do not yet have

  • 19. Piano Strategico Dip. Dichirons 2019-2021 (45%)

    8-apr-2019 13.22.15

    Dipartimento di Discipline Chirurgiche Oncologiche e Stomatologiche ... DEL CONTESTO INTRODUZIONE Il Dipartimento di Discipline Chirurgiche, Oncologiche ... esse finalizzata) è molto marcata all’interno del Dipartimento, è una struttura a forte vocazione ... afferenti al dipartimento sono l’Anestesia e Rianimazione, la Medicina Fisica e Riabilitativa ... preminentemente afferenti al Dipartimento (BIO/09, BIO/13, BIO/16, MED/31, MED/49). Pur non rivestendo